월 일
비 고
Involvement of protein kinase Cdelta in iron chelator-induced IL-8 production in human intestinal epithelial cells
Expression of mutant p53 protein, P 21 and cyclin D1 in dysplasia and adenocarcinoma of stomach
Acral Metastasis in a Patient with Ampullary Carcinoma
A Case of Hemobilia Caused by Calculous Cholecystitis
RKIKK Motif in the Intracellular Domain Is Critical for Spatial and Dynamic Organization of ICAM-1: Functional Implication for the Leukocyte Adhesion and Transmigration
Mucin Gene Expression and Cell proliferation in the Columnar Epithelium-lined Mucosa of Distal Esophagus
A Case of Fecaloma Resulting in the Rectosigmoid Megacolon
Phase III Clinical Trial of Revaprazan (Revanex(R)) for Gastric Ulcer
A Case of Metastatic Cutaneous Nodules of Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Association between Diverticulosis and Colonic Neoplasm in Koreans
2′,4′,6′-tris(methoxymethoxy) chalcone protects against trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis and blocks tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced intestinal epithelial inflammation via heme oxygenase 1-dependent and independent pathways
Transcriptional regulation of IL-8 by iron chelator in human epithelial cells is independent from NF-kappaB but involves ERK1/2- and p38 kinase-dependent activation of AP-1
제 1형 신경섬유종증에 동반된 위장관 간질종양에의한 십이지장출혈
대장내시경검사로 진단된 대장게실증의 발생빈도 및 임상양상
출형성 경향환자
Managing anticoagulation and antiplatelet agents around endoscopic procedure
기능성설사의 치료
항문직장내압검사의 판독의 실제
변비의 치료
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Ethanol cause apoptosis of human colon cancer cells by stress activated protein kinases
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Quality of life in patient with irritable bowel syndrome in Korea
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The effect of tegaserod symptoms and quality of life in korean female patient with IBS with constipation
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Prevalence of Barrett,s esophagus in korean is still rare but is increase in patient with GERD: cross sectional prospective multi center study
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Intracellular signaling mechanism of colonic smooth muscle contraction by electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury rat
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Chronic mild stress model in rat: is this a real model of the irritable bowel syndrome that reflects a sustained stressful situation of human patients?
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Low dose ondansetron enhance the preventive effect of mosapride on postoperative ileus
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Glycyrol inhibit NF-kappa B-dependent gene expression in HEK 293T cells
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Ammonium glycyrrhizinate protect gastric epithelial cells from hydrogen peroxide induced damage and down regulate gene related to oxidative stress dependant cell death pathway
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Endoscopic papillary large balloon dilatation with small EST in patinents with large extrahepatic bile duct stone
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Positive regulation of T cell activation and integrin adhesion by trangelin 2 : 오현미박사 광주과학기술원 생명과학과
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염증성 장 질환의 유전체 연구 : 채수천교수
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Clinincal nutrition practice in healthcare setting : 손정민교수